\{Daze or Daniela}/
\{Daze or Daniela}/
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\{Daze or Daniela}/

Two people fell in love, same love, same gender. People made fun of them, put them down, one day, one of them got sick of it and told them to stop and that love is love. He ended up in the hospital for his injeries, and his boyfriend stayed with him until the end.
Repost if you think that LOVE is LOVE.

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\{Daze or Daniela}/

We were given:
Two hands two hold
Two eyes to see
Two legs two walk
Two ears to listen
Two lungs to breathe
But why one heart?
Because the other one was givin to someone else for us to find

\{Daze or Daniela}/

S(he's) Br(ok)en

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Its hard to believe that people still don't accept same gender love . i wrote "Castle of Allure" to show how this is jut the same

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hi, thanks for friend request. My soul comes alive in the environment here- its elemental . below is a quote from one of my stories,

"Two days before Christmas day, the wind rose and gradually built in that way it can in the islands gradually to a gale force nine and then to ten. The sea flattened and began to smoke as the spray was whipped off the wave crests and flung horizontally. Salt water hitting the cliffs was turned... mehr anzeigen

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