nicki112898s Gruppen

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Music Lovers!!!

Music Lovers!!!

  • 178 Mitglieder
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Just as the name says, this is for the music lovers on Bookrix! Any type of music... Classical, Rock, Rap, Pop...etc...

Letzter Beitrag: 8. Oktober 2019, 23:54

SpecFic Authors

SpecFic Authors

  • 251 Mitglieder
  • 191 Beiträge
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Speculative Fiction authors create worlds where anything can happen, where the reader leaves just a bit of themselves behind when they return to our world. Their stories are about places beyond reality, places that could have been or might have been, if the rules of the universe were altered slightly. They write... mehr lesen

Letzter Beitrag: 8. Oktober 2019, 22:57

life, love, loss...

life, love, loss...

  • 71 Mitglieder
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This group is for all of you who have lived, loved or lost , for all of you who have problems, or even if you are one of the few normal people in the world (what ever normal is...) It's for anybody who understands the L's of being human, or even if you don't It's for all of us who need to stick together...

Letzter Beitrag: 2. Februar 2015, 19:14

Souls in the Dreamer

Souls in the Dreamer

  • 187 Mitglieder
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This is a group for anyone to express their passion for writing and pretty much anything else, if you need advice or just simply want someone to read your book.

Letzter Beitrag: 8. Oktober 2019, 22:04



  • 159 Mitglieder
  • 36 Beiträge
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Do you like vampire, Witches and werewolves well this is the group for you anything supernatrual you will find right here

Letzter Beitrag: 3. April 2014, 04:04

Twilight Followers

Twilight Followers

  • 140 Mitglieder
  • 27 Beiträge
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A group for the lovers of the Twilight Saga. We disscuss it, talk about the characters, and how we like it. Which was your favorite one, and fav part. Hope you enjoy this group!!:) Peace, Love, Twilight!!!

Letzter Beitrag: 8. Oktober 2019, 19:40

Ironie, Humor und Spaß

Ironie, Humor und Spaß

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Ich liebe den Humor in Büchern, die Ironie in Antworten und den Spaß am Lesen. Darum wollte ich diese Gruppe gründen und ein paar Leser/Autoren finden, denen es genau so geht. Tretet doch ein!

Hier kann man auch seine Bücher vorstellen, aber bevorzugt werden natürlich die, mit Humor.


Letzter Beitrag: 26. Februar 2025, 12:46

Gothic World

Gothic World

  • 1.610 Mitglieder
  • 702 Beiträge
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I'm tired of just vampire groups, werwolves, witches, etc. We need to combine these wonderful creations into one happy family. Well that´s what we do best. Gothic World, a creation where all supernatural books are happily welcomed. All are welcomed, but please, I have one rule. Please be kind to other members. I f ... mehr lesen

Letzter Beitrag: 1. Oktober 2019, 19:19

vampire death

vampire death

  • 111 Mitglieder
  • 22 Beiträge
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if you like vampires werewolves bats blake cats and everthing that moves in the dark then you,ll have a craving to join this grop open to ever goth that has been called a jerk because it is are time to rule im big in this gourp ok TO THE WERIDS OF NIGHT bite me

Letzter Beitrag: 9. Dezember 2014, 18:59

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