mitchell616s Gruppen

The I Love A Pervert Series

The I Love A Pervert Series

  • 34 Mitglieder
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For those of you who have read the I Love A Pervert Series (A Perverted Summer, A Perverted School, A Not So Perverted Child, etc...)Who have any comments, questions, concerns, critisism, etc. Feel free to post threads about the series, even if it is only about your Favorite character!

Letzter Beitrag: 23. Juni 2014, 20:28

Seelenschmerz und Gefühlschaos

Seelenschmerz und Gefühlschaos

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Der Hintergrund dieser Gruppe ist, dass es immer mehr User auf Bookrix gibt, die einfach mal jemanden brauchen, mit dem sie über Probleme oder anderes reden können. Deswegen möchte ich diese Gruppe zusammen mit euch aufbauen, um denen die Hilfe brauchen oder einen guten Rat suchen zu helfen.

Letzter Beitrag: 26. Mai 2013, 14:39

Completed Books

Completed Books

  • 390 Mitglieder
  • 146 Beiträge
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This is a group that is to be used only for books that have been finished. All non completed books will be taken out of the group until they have been finished.

Letzter Beitrag: 7. Oktober 2019, 17:15

True Blood Fanatics

True Blood Fanatics

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Sorry about that I meant to introduce myself. I have been a member here on Bookrix Since January 2011. I am 38 almost 39 years old in July of this year with 2 kids. All my other info you all can go to my page and read it there. I love all types of vampire...supernatural books and TV shows or movies. But any who I p... mehr lesen

Letzter Beitrag: 16. April 2013, 05:34

New to BookRix

New to BookRix

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Welcome to BookRix! This is a group created especially for newbies on BookRix and for BookRix to share their info with you!Here you can create new threads to ask questions and meet other new members.

Letzter Beitrag: 25. November 2019, 13:42

Naughty Thoughts

Naughty Thoughts

  • 170 Mitglieder
  • 187 Beiträge
  • Private Gruppe

Welcome to Naughty Thoughts where sex is free flowing so come write and talk about your deepest desires.

Letzter Beitrag: 1. Dezember 2016, 14:30

Group Moderators

Group Moderators

  • 35 Mitglieder
  • 35 Beiträge
  • Private Gruppe

This group is for moderators of groups on BookRix to exchange ideas, ask questions, solve moderating issues and offer suggestions to each other.

Letzter Beitrag: 16. Juli 2012, 04:29

The Coffee Shop

The Coffee Shop

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Writing is stressful, so why not duck into the Coffee Shop for a spot of idle banter and relaxation. Procrastination has never been so entertaining!

Letzter Beitrag: 12. Dezember 2019, 13:36

$$ I LOVE COKE $$O.o

$$ I LOVE COKE $$O.o

  • 4 Mitglieder
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Für alle die $$COLA$$ lieben!!!!O.o

manga cool

manga cool

  • 91 Mitglieder
  • 30 Beiträge
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vür viele die manga mögen

Letzter Beitrag: 16. Juli 2013, 15:50

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