miss.cleanfreaks Gruppen

The rejected and the lost.

The rejected and the lost.

  • 216 Mitglieder
  • 233 Beiträge
  • Offene Gruppe

This is for all the rejects. For all the people who been beaten. This is for everyone like me. This is for all the ones who been hurt. This is for everyone who isn't afraid to stand alone. This is for everyone like you whose been put down. This is for everyone who ever had a struggle. This is for those who had been... mehr lesen

Letzter Beitrag: 7. Oktober 2019, 16:28

Erotica Group (Ages 18+)

Erotica Group (Ages 18+)

  • 1.920 Mitglieder
  • 544 Beiträge
  • Private Gruppe

This group is for all those who like to read or write Adult stories.Come join us and tell us about your hot heroes and their spicy lives.We´re here to have fun. ღღTO JOIN THE GROUP YOU NEED TO BE 18 AND OVER. Please provide your age on your profile page when asking for membership. ღღ

Letzter Beitrag: 19. Dezember 2023, 10:35

Completed Books

Completed Books

  • 390 Mitglieder
  • 146 Beiträge
  • Offene Gruppe

This is a group that is to be used only for books that have been finished. All non completed books will be taken out of the group until they have been finished.

Letzter Beitrag: 7. Oktober 2019, 17:15

Ironie, Humor und Spaß

Ironie, Humor und Spaß

  • 1.216 Mitglieder
  • 562 Beiträge
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Ich liebe den Humor in Büchern, die Ironie in Antworten und den Spaß am Lesen. Darum wollte ich diese Gruppe gründen und ein paar Leser/Autoren finden, denen es genau so geht. Tretet doch ein!

Hier kann man auch seine Bücher vorstellen, aber bevorzugt werden natürlich die, mit Humor.


Letzter Beitrag: 7. Dezember 2023, 14:20

Dead Poets Society

Dead Poets Society

  • 482 Mitglieder
  • 317 Beiträge
  • Offene Gruppe

A poetry group for writers & readers alike.

"We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poet... mehr lesen

Letzter Beitrag: 6. Dezember 2023, 02:54

Art Writers

Art Writers

  • 629 Mitglieder
  • 602 Beiträge
  • Offene Gruppe

ArtWriters is your final port of call where you can finish those books and put a bit of spit and polish on them. We offer advice on, illustrations, book covers, video teaser, photography, 3D art. This group will be dedicated to help our members develop their shop window, so if you have something to offer or you wa... mehr lesen

Letzter Beitrag: 17. Dezember 2023, 13:36

Get Me Published

Get Me Published

  • 1.036 Mitglieder
  • 439 Beiträge
  • Offene Gruppe

Come on in and meet others like yourself who want to “get published."

In this group, feel free to ask questions and start discussions about using BookRix, promoting and marketing your work, publishing your book(s) and much more!

Letzter Beitrag: 9. Oktober 2019, 05:54

True Blood Fanatics

True Blood Fanatics

  • 166 Mitglieder
  • 22 Beiträge
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Sorry about that I meant to introduce myself. I have been a member here on Bookrix Since January 2011. I am 38 almost 39 years old in July of this year with 2 kids. All my other info you all can go to my page and read it there. I love all types of vampire...supernatural books and TV shows or movies. But any who I p... mehr lesen

Letzter Beitrag: 16. April 2013, 05:34

The Coffee Shop

The Coffee Shop

  • 1.288 Mitglieder
  • 5.241 Beiträge
  • Offene Gruppe

Writing is stressful, so why not duck into the Coffee Shop for a spot of idle banter and relaxation. Procrastination has never been so entertaining!

Letzter Beitrag: 12. Dezember 2019, 13:36

Vampire Haven

Vampire Haven

  • 90 Mitglieder
  • 19 Beiträge
  • Offene Gruppe

All vampire admirers may enter. This group can be used to discuss vampire topics or roleplay. I would prefer for users to be 18 and up to join here.

Letzter Beitrag: 7. Oktober 2019, 15:55

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