minigagas Freunde
- Englisch
- 4 Bücher
- 25
15 years old game developer and software programmer. Coming back as an author and writer on leisure time.
- Deutsch
- 3 Bücher
- 7
Ich bin eigentlich ein ganz normales Mädchen. Spiele in einem Fußball Verein, zeichne und schreibe gerne Bücher, liebe Wassermelonen und die Farbe grün. Meine Lieblingstiere sind Hunde und Katzen. Ich geh gerne Babysitten und kümmere mich um meinen kleinen Bruder Leon gerne. Wenn ihr mehr wissen wollt gebt bitte bescheid^^
- Englisch
- 2 Bücher
- 18
Ello, I'm WolfGurlUntamed. Ever since I was a child, I knew I wanted to be a writer. To use words to make people laugh, cry, smile and frown. I discovered Bookrix a few years ago, and after a while I have to admit I lost interest. At the time, I was just beginning Junior High. Now, I am a Freshman, almost done... mehr lesen
- Englisch
- 2 Bücher
- 494
Gosh. Time has literally slipped by. I remember I joined this site when I was a young teen wanting to make friends and read books. Bookrix inspired me to write books and I became addicted to this site. However there was a time when this place actually became so toxic that I was glad I got away. Of course you make... mehr lesen