Erik ist offline.
Wichtiger Beitrag
Chris P. vor ca. 12 Jahren


Are you busy? No? Great!
Well, would you like to check out one of my stories?

One is about the special relationship between two little sisters:

The other one is some kind of lovestory…

If you want and have time, please tell me your opinion! Normally, I don’t write English stories, so that was a little... mehr anzeigen

Beyond Our Skies This is a story about love and life, written with the hands of a little girl. This is a story seen through the eyes of a child. This is a story about two sisters and why they will never be alone...
Wichtiger Beitrag
gooduklady vor ca. 12 Jahren

Hi Erik. I trust you are aware this is a writers' site...not a dating site!! Happy to be your friend.

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