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Here are some suggestions for books, obviously you could go with vampires and have a whole twlight thing that people like. Still on ths site and else where it would be amoungst many others like it. So you should write a book that you are passionate about. It will show in your work, and in turn readers will like it on its own. Think of all the books you read, I can bet there is at least one thing you would have changed in... mehr anzeigen

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mf Harris

Hi I know I have sent out a mass message about this already but I wanted to cover all avenues!!! My book is NOT all on here, nor have I asked, advised, or even wanted people to vote for my contest entry without reading my excerpt!!! I am an author whether I am published or not and as one we all know that it is not about the popularity it is about the love of our story! Why in the world would I want anyone to pass up reading... mehr anzeigen

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I am planning on writing a book but personally I dont know what people would want to read about, if you have any suggestions please feel free to leave a note or send me an email <3

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If you're reading this thank you for being interested, no much can be found on my page but feel free to look around anyway!

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