Abby Moran
Abby Moran
Abby Moran ist offline.


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Mike A.

Thinking about what to write as a comment about this seems to be a challenge to me, not because I have nothing to say, but rather so much and I don't want to come off as too long winded.

I think the mark of good writing, be it poetry like this, written books, comics or music, is "does it create a clear image for you?" or "does it 'take' you there?" I had a chance to sit and read these and had that happen for me, my personal... mehr anzeigen

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Abby Moran

Very much appreciated! I try to create a visual that really puts someone in the position that I'm talking about. ^_^ It makes me happy to know I've accomplished that

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Abby Moran

Geraldo is officially done and I'm officially working on some new projects! However, they won't be posted until completely done, so be on the lookout!

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Abby Moran

My friend is now on Youtube as well! He's doing this really cool "Reactions to the first Day" compilation video. SO, if you are interested make a little video of your reaction either to realizing the first day, during the first day, or after and send it to ! :) You will be featured in the video and you can find his channel by typing in Davon Gomez in the search bar.

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Abby Moran

A NEW VIDEO IS UP! Go check it out if you need some time to kill or something :)

Lets Play Bean Boozled D and A play a little game...a little, evil, demonic game. Enjoy our pain! :)
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That was an amazing video(by the way this is how i look like in real life)

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Hey :),
Ich hoffe ich störe nicht ;)
Ich würde dir gerne meine neues Buch vorstellen.
Ich würde mich freuen wenn du es lesen würdest ..

Unter den Toten. Wenn du ein Geheimnis hast, dann willst du es sicher verbergen. Elif Grand hat so ein Geheimnis - oder ist es ihr Wahnsinn nur? Ich entschuldige mich jetzt schon falls es Grammatik bzw. ...
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Hy, ich möchte dir gerne den Anfang von meinem ersten Buch "Helden gibt es nur im Märchen" vorstellen. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn du es lesen und einen Kommentar da lassen würdest.

"Helden gibt es nur im Märchen" Kaum ein Mann ist im Leben einer Frau so wichtig wie der Vater. Doch was passiert, wenn du Gefühle für einen anderen Mann entwickelst. Gefühle, von denen du niemals gedacht hättest, dass sie möglic...
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