Sexy Babe!s Freunde



  • Englisch

I am a 13 year old girl that loves to listen to music, watch movies and read I have 2 sisters a younger one which is 11 and an older one which is 23 their names are Evelyn and Clare I live in Australia and have 3 pets 2 rabbits Luna and peanut are their names and I have a cat called pixy I love food and hate... mehr lesen

mia awesome haynes :)

mia awesome haynes :)

  • 21 Jahre
  • Englisch

hi my name is mia my fave color is mosly the rainbow but mostly blue . I go to Richland Northeast highschool.   I love anime, romance, yaoi, adventure, mystery, and reading. you could say I'm a bookworm.    you also could say I want to accomplish multiple things in life. but I say I have multiple interests in life... mehr lesen



  • Englisch
  • 1 Buch
  • 2

I am Gay.  If you dont like it., then oh well.  Its who I am.  I am still human. And I still have feelings.    I am an open person.  I smile alot. Even when I dont feel good.  I love music and netflix.    



  • Englisch

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