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L︀o︀o︀k ︀a︀t ︀m︀e ︀n︀o︀w︀ ︀h︀e︀r︀e︀ ︀➞ WWW.INTIMCONTACT.COM?-lexbooboo

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Well, I have finished my book called Trust -The promise and yes, I've changed the name because I thought it was better. And I am writing my next book that you could check out It is the second series of Trust called Trust - The Plan. Please comment about what you think! Thanx

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Dear Readers:) ,

I have messaged you because you either are my friends on bookrix or you heart-ed one of my books.:) I appreciate it:D

If you haven't realize, I'm not active on bookrix anymore:( Sorry for that. Im just so fed up with bookrix because it keeps deleting my chapters and i have to start all over again. It happened the first time to Stuck in Hell. And I decided to start over and just rewrite. I almost finished the... mehr anzeigen

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Thanks for the favorite to Like A Drug, It will be updated today or tomorrow depending on different time zones. Hope you enjoy reading it.


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thanks for adding my book to your favorite it was nice i will add more probably today

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I updated "Will I Ever Get Out Alive?" I mean, it's not much. Only a chapter and it's pretty graphic, (sorry for that), but yeah lol

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