CharleneCuties Favoriten

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Hard Love
Mis Understood Hard Love

"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind."

  • Liebe
  • Englisch
  • 45771 Wörter
  • Ab 16 Jahren
  • 13208
  • 238

Jazielly ( Jaz . e . elly ) Moore was bullied constantly by the most popular group in her high school. No on ever defended Jaz; no one did anything to stop it. There would only be bystanders. One day they go way too far and she goes home crying to her mom. She tells her... mehr lesen

Stichwörter: revenge, love, flashbacks, jocks, secrets, heartbreak, bullying, romance, veangance, popular, changes, forgive, highschool, High school romance, high school, football


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