

  • Englisch
  • 1 Buch
  • 60

My name is Jada , Im 16 and a junior in high school. Im from Orlando Florida and my favorite author is Ashley Antoinette. I love writing because I feel like I can act and look like anybody i want to . annnnndddd yupp thats pretty much it. P.S(The person on my profile picture really is me)

Jacob Dare

Jacob Dare

  • Englisch

Taken by the best girl ever!



  • 23 Jahre
  • Englisch

single || oregon || in the middle of a book ||



  • Englisch
  • 3 Bücher
  • 68

I'm fun and good to get along with but that changes when you get on my bad side so yeah!



  • Englisch
  • 3 Bücher
  • 10

I'm a working mother of two lovely daughters. I've always enjoyed creative expression, be it through music, art, or literature. So much so that I went on to earn an A.A.S in Graphic Design and a B.A in English Literature.    I write as a hobby, it is therapeutic as well as enjoyable.  I hope to eventually be able... mehr lesen



  • Englisch

Well, where do I start. Am a laidback guy currently have two sons and two God daughters that are my heart and joy! I love urban fiction/urban erotica. got started on Zane books one day in math class back in 2003 lol which i hated math, so zane helped keep me awake. Anyway am from Brooklyn, NY., however live in VA... mehr lesen

KiKi XoXo

KiKi XoXo

  • Englisch
  • 4 Bücher
  • 843

Hello! My name is Kaylyn Kahle . . . where I get the KiKi part from. . .  I love to write and read. I prefer supernatural love stories (Examples: Twilight and the Hex Hall series), although I do also like reading books about utopias and dystopias (Examples: The Hunger Games and Divergent).   I was going to... mehr lesen



  • Deutsch
  • 3 Bücher
  • 255

Schön das ihr den Weg auf meine Seite gefunden habt! <3   Kurz über mich: Mein Name ist Sophie. Ich bin 18 Jahre Alt und besuche die 12 Klasse einer Gesamtschule.   Warum ich bei Bookrix bin:Ich liebe es zu lesen, hier auf Bookrix bekomme ich die Chance Kostenlos oder günstige Bücher zu lesen.Des weiteren schreibe... mehr lesen

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