Travis’ Freunde


Duron Crejaro

Duron Crejaro

  • Englisch
  • 5 Bücher
  • 147

An Aspiring writer. I've been hooked on Fantasy for decades, and now its time to add my own contributions to a wonderful genre.



  • Englisch




  • Englisch

Why do a lot of people put inspirational things in their bio? Or sad things? If you want to know about me... TOO BAD!    Just kidding, but seriously, if you want to know something about me, just ask me... because you can.   I guess I will put something down here... Hello my fellow loners! I'm Kaden... Yea, that's all I really have... :3



  • Englisch

I am me. I am a person, and I live on this Earth.   And that's all you need to know. Treat me like everyone else.



  • Englisch
  • 1 Buch
  • 12

Your number one scumbag

Madi Star

Madi Star

  • Englisch

Hey guys....I'm Ling sister   and Mackz sis also   I am a Christean so I love God!!!!!!!!!! I would love to meet you guys individualy  USA and Canada!!!!! GO USA and my favorite canadian hockey team ...... OILERS!!!!!!  i may... mehr lesen



  • Englisch

party ,fun ,live like ur about to die have fun be real alway there if you need a ear great person ,single living love music

Faraz Rahujo

Faraz Rahujo

  • Englisch
  • 1 Buch
  • 4

My name is Faraz. I am 15 years old boy, and I am from Pakistan. I like to make new and best friends, so talk to me freely. I also like to write books and will publish soon. Hope you will enjoy, Thanks.



  • Englisch

HMU! if ya want  i believe in God but i give up on life PATD is bae Twenty-one pilots WHAAAAA the rest of this shit was the old me, now im bein a better person and im sry for bein this way if ya get me drift but just saying i LOVE to talk to ya guys and meet ppl who i can trust and not feel rly awkward with. Im... mehr lesen


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