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Thank you for the heart on The Unknown:) There will be another part, since this book is getting long, I will finish the end of this book in book two :)

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Hi, I uploaded a new boook please check it out and tell me what ya think! It's Diffrent then the stuff I usually write so i could use your opinion. :)


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Helloo~ This is Becca. And Jaden and I need to tell everyone that "My Ghost." will not be finnished. Jaden and wrote the story over our phones. And Jaden didnt like typing it. It was hard for her. I guess. :p And we already got pretty far in the story. So, she couldnt finish it. I would have typed it, But my phone was being mean and erased almost all my messages. So, I cant. We're very sorry. But if you like, I'll put what... mehr anzeigen

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Thanks for the star. Look out for another chapter later on today.

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