kassandra.8s Freunde
- Englisch
- 2 Bücher
- 24
I Listen To Tons Of Rock & Screamo: ♣ Alesana ♣ All Time Low ♣ Asking Alexandria ♣ Avenged Sevenfold ♣ Black Veil Brides ♣ BlessTheFall ♣ Crown The Empire ♣ Three Days Grace ♣ One Direction ♣ Breaking Benjamin ♣ Evanescence ♣ Falling In Reverse ♣ Sleeping With Sirens ♣ Lana Del Rey ♣ Maroon 5 ♣... mehr lesen
- Englisch
You can ask me anything you want. Message me and lets talk!!! the three quotes on my favorite quotes I got from three of my friends and I didn’t steal them I just liked them so much that I put them there and if anyone thinks I stole them I’m sorry I do want to say thanks to my friends: Patwriter.Works for the... mehr lesen
- 30 Jahre
- Deutsch
- 2 Bücher
- 86
Was soll ich sagen? Ich bin ein stinknormaler Mensch wie jeder andere auch.
Abgesehen davon, dass ich öfters unter Depressionen leide. (Mit meinen zwei Babys geht es gar nicht anders!) Apropos Babys, die eine ist ein Rotti und der andere ein Boxermix.
Was gibts da noch? Ach ja, ich lese für mein Leben... mehr lesen
- Englisch
This page is called Madysiin Journals and it is based upon my thoughts and love for writing. Writing organizes my thoughts and allows me to relax and venture deep between my own ids and egos and is a place where only "I" can get just the right amount of and elevation of what God has intended... just... for.... me.
- Englisch
- 3 Bücher
- 41
Deeply interested in comparative religion, and unconventional philosophies. I don't wish to go too much into my studies, but if you wanna be friends you can find out. I'm hoping to become a published author and give back to the world what has been given to me in terms of comfort and imagination and inspiration.... mehr lesen
- Englisch
Am a Banker by profession. I love reading, painting, writing ( stories and poems), sculpture and Architechture.