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That's novel number 4 of year on the site and the third part of that series. i think i have the bones of a new novel which with luck will be finished by march. the idea is a bit obvious if you know the local history and geography. but we'll see how it turns out. A huge thanks to Bookrix for all their help and allowing me to do all this. everything has been hugely appreciated.

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Just finishe Hidden ways my new novel. Now to spend a few weeks editing it. All 107400 words of it. Then i'll work out the next novel which will be done by march. Lot of work. But worth it

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20000 words away from the end of Hidden Ways. have an idea for a horror novel, but that probably means i'll have a series to write or another trilogy. just need to work out the heart of it.

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69500 words through hidden Ways my latest. its the 3rd part a trilogy that started with Once In our Lives and something i never planned on writing so it has been very slow going and there is a lot more to go. Aim to have it done in the next month or so. Hopefully it wont be as badly edited but hotter than our obvious ways.

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25000 words through Hidden Ways. Slowly getting there. Reading over Our Obvious Ways and realising how rushed it was. Annoying as it's not that bad. it just needs edited better. Aim to be on the 40000 word mark by next Wednesday with luck, or at least 35000.

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Going to write Hidden Ways the third part the x rated trilogy. it should be ready in the next 2-3 months. and get it out my system. quite like the first two. hope the readers have.

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just finished the book of Joe bart. pipe dreams i think will be next. it will be an awkward bugger to write. But if it works it should read quite well. alternately i could just finish off the storm or grudge match.

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Just finished the basic work on a new novel. Now to edit it. ould take a few weeks which is a real pain. over 114000 words to read through. Debating what genre i should focus on. any ideas?

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5000 words through my new novel. it's a black comedy i think. possibly a bit too scottish. first third is going to be very black.

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