Ayodele Ajileye
Ayodele Ajileye
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Bücher (19)
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Ayodele Ajileye

"I know what I'm doing." Ask a madman and he'll tell you the same. We're all into one wrong business with one another as human - we all play the judge. We judge one another; one is good if there Is no friction between your beliefs on certain grounds and his, and another is evil once our beliefs can't see eye-to-eye. And all manners of strive ensues. Why can't we accept one another and let the law define what's bad, and pass... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag
Ayodele Ajileye

Those who say that delay is not denial lie... Delay denies you of doing the needful as at when necessary. Hate delays as much as you can.

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