Welcome to BookRix. We're a community of writers, and this is a site that helps us improve our art. It's a nice place to go to get away from all the chat sites and typical social-media sites like Facebook, Snapchat, etc. Since this isn't a dating or hookup site, it's a relaxing place to be - everyone here is friendly and excited about their writing.
Feel free to explore the different groups and post your work. If you aren't... mehr anzeigen
Welcome to BookRix. We're a community of writers, and this is a site that helps us improve our art. It's a nice place to go to get away from all the chat sites and typical social-media sites like Facebook, Snapchat, etc. Since this isn't a dating or hookup site, it's a relaxing place to be - everyone here is friendly and excited about their writing.
Feel free to explore the different groups and post your work. If you aren't sure how to do that, the best place to start is with "Create New Book" which is the blue link at the top of every page. Click it, and follow the instructions. But if you aren't sure about them, you can post a request for help in the "New to BookRix" group.
Best of luck to you - I look forward to seeing your work!