jasmineac56s Freunde

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I'm back, baby! Three years, I hope my writing's improved. Anyway, I love reading, writing, playing video games, and procrastinating lol. A lot of my writing is based on random ideas or dreams that I've had, and they range from realistic fiction to fantasy and sci-fi. I'm even working on a spy novel and a thriller, so yeah. 



Roxanne Rain Echo

  • Englisch
  • 2 Bücher
  • 92

Roxanne · Trapped In The Looking Glass.But call me Rain or Echo or Nova.I'm Imperfect, Mad and Absolutely Ridiculous.Obsessed with- Drawing Anime and Manga.- Watching and reading Anime and Manga.- Writing in Japanese.- Music. (Ask and you'll find out.)- Writing.- Dark make-up.- Gummy Bears.- Fashion.-... mehr lesen



  • Englisch
  • 3 Bücher
  • 652



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  • 8 Bücher
  • 980

I like to make people laugh.



My friend calls me Bran if you want my full name...ask..... it's not that hard people.

  • Englisch
  • 13 Bücher
  • 328

I'm talkitive, love to party (emphasis on the love), LOVE Black Veil Brides, best band ever, and have the best friends I evern could have! My best friend in the WHOLE world is Tehya and I don't know what I would do without her. I'm usually a really nice person, but when you get on my bad side or hurt one of my... mehr lesen



tehya (tay-uh)

  • Englisch
  • 553

My life keeps changing so I'm just going to stop changing this thing :P -90% of teenage girls would faint if they saw justin bieber on the top of a 9 story building. If you are one of the ten percent that would be behind her, ready to push, then paste this into your profile. ( i got this off of tori12598... mehr lesen



  • Englisch
  • 11 Bücher
  • 1956

For more frequent updates to my recent story endeavors, I have a page on Wattpad that I'm currently using, if you'd like to go there -   http://www.wattpad.com/user/madhattergirl98   You guys can call me Em. Aspiring writer, and editor. Hopeless romantic as you can see, and I feel I should have been born in the 80s. ✌️



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  • 17 Bücher
  • 256

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