jacklings Freunde
- Englisch
- 1 Buch
- 47
My name is Kirsta. I love to hangout with friends, read lots of books,and dance! I also love to be with my family!! I would also like to open a place to help abused and abanded kids. So that they know that someone does care and that they are not the only ones that have been though what they have been though..... mehr lesen
- Englisch
- 2 Bücher
- 9
I am not 15, i just put that up thinking they only allow 15 and up, i am a 13 year old writer. When i grow up i want to write books. I am really nice, i enjoy romantic things, i am a big sister to my brother. My books are going to come in everyday :) Please enjoy them, they are short but i will make them longer x3 Enjoy x3
- Englisch
- 2 Bücher
- 30
I am from India, a country widely known for its cultural diversity. I am currently pursuing B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering- IInd Year).
I am quite on the reserved side. Sometimes I get freaky(That is true in most of our cases!). I love making new friends. I love to read. I love to write. (Don't we have a lot in... mehr lesen
- Englisch
- 133
Hi! :) If you need or want to get in touch with me, comment on my page. I don't check my emails. Thanks, Danielle
- 26 Jahre
- Deutsch
- 3 Bücher
- 11
Hallo. Mein Name lautet Julia und ich bin zwölf-dreiviertel Jahre alt, habe aber am 05 Januar Geburtstag. Ich habe eine Leidenschaft dafür entwickelt, Bücher zu lesen und zu schreiben. Ansonsten wäre ich wohl kaum hier. Außerdem höre ich sehr gerne Musik von Adele. Apropos, Bücher lese ich bloß noch von Teresa Medeiros.
- Englisch
- 1 Buch
- 8
im very random,i strongly dislike people who talk ish about people different from them, i love books,try my best to wright.
Elizabeth (Liz) McHayes
- Englisch
- 7 Bücher
- 57
I am a TOTAL JESUS FREAK! I love all sorts of animals, and I enjoy working with chickens. I have the dumbest Chocolate Lab you've ever seen. I hate Wal-Mart (not sure why). I think I like writing so much because in 8th grade, I had THE BEST Literary Analysis teacher in the world (thank you, Mrs. Schneider). I love... mehr lesen
Adam Lewis LaValley
- 6 Bücher
- 81
Hello! I'm Adam. I've been writing since I was 13 (23 now!), and writing is an integral part of my life. I love animation, and studying the histories of the U.S. and Japan. I work with a host of artists to create my stories / characters, many being good friends of mine.I have a Bachelor's degree in Business... mehr lesen