fukaimori101s Freunde
- 28 Jahre
- Englisch
- 46
I like to read. I guess I'm kind of weird but in a good way. I can be socially awkward sometimes. I love to write & I'm really passionate about my writings. I'm not the best writer but I'm decent. I also like to live my life drama free as possible. If you'd like to know more just ask .
- Englisch
- 1 Buch
- 2
~College Class of 2020~ I am a CHRISTIAN. Proudly so. ~ Music is my life~ I will tell you my honest opinion.~ I am a strange, nerdy, geeky, musical person.. Constructive criticism is welcomed, but please, no insulting or vulgar or negative language. Keep things appropriate. God Bless!! :)
- Englisch
I love animals I have one cat I love my family I don't know my biological dad I am 12 bday Apr 22 I have 2 sisters 2 brothers I'm the middle child I kinda like certain girls but mostly boys
- 26 Jahre
- Englisch
Hey y'all I'm back!!!! Sorry I just got sick of the shit that was going on here so...ya, but now I'm back ^-^
- 22 Jahre
- Englisch
- 1 Buch
- 1
I like reading and writing. My best friends are Misha and Hayley.