Vikash Kumar
Vikash Kumar
Vikash Kumar ist offline.
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BS Murthy

Dear Viksah Kumar.
You may enjoy reading my five following novels all set in India and available as free e-books at BookRix.
1_ Benign Flame: Saga of Love
2_ Crossing the Mirage - Passing through youth
3_Jewel-less Crown: Saga of Life
4_Glaring Shadow - A stream of consciousness novel
5_Prey on the Prowl- A Crime Novel
Wishing you good literary times,
BS Murthy

3 Kommentare
Vikash Kumar

thanx a lot for the invitation. surly i`ll read them all and will write to u if something knocks me. till then happy writing:)

BS Murthy


Vikash Kumar

Hi Murthy Sir, it has been a long time i disappeared i am back.

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Words Words
Bitch and whore
The girl runs away
she slams the door
she takes a knife
and cuts her skin
remembering how screwed up her life has been
she leans to the toilet
throws up to be thin
at school all she has is a grin
She cuts cuts cuts some more
Screaming in pain, blood on the floor
People call her emo people laugh at her face
But they haven't even tried to be in her place
Her dad just died, her mom has depression
her... mehr anzeigen

3 Kommentare
Vikash Kumar

a good one i really like it....i read it twice thought many times about it ....about the real condition one is in and try to fake them for living for food...for daily needs...really a good one... a sad ending sometime is a true ending for many of us.

by the way which country r u... mehr anzeigen

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I am from a country in the Caribbean name Guyana

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hey i have friends from your country here wanna add them as your friends as well

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