Jared Robinsons Favoriten
Beyond The Memory of Man
- Fantasy
- Englisch
- 104246 Wörter
- Ab 0 Jahren
- 3946
- 53
All legends and myths are based on long forgotten truths. They were the Slayarians and they were the protectors of life long before civilization. They were so ancient they witnessed the age of faerie on Earth. It was a time when men were wicked and war common. It was a... mehr lesen
Stichwörter: Darkon, Demons, Demonslayers, Gaea, Faerie, Demon, Demonslayer, Slayarian, AllMother, Adventure, Ancient, AlternateHistory, Battle, Adventurer, Elves, Dwarves, Gods, Abyss, Earth, Genocide, Magic, mindflow [mehr]
- Fantasy
- Englisch
- 11675 Wörter
- Ab 0 Jahren
- 1955
- 85
Rose,finds herself in a entire different world, when she turns 15.The life of the earthlings are at stake.She should fight, to keep them safe but what she knows about this world,is little.
Stichwörter: invaders, saviours, earthlings, nightlingsmagical beings, gifted, healers, fighters, trackers
- Fantasy
- Englisch
- 91872 Wörter
- Ab 0 Jahren
- 3394
- 86
After more than two thousand years, Rebecca Calden thought she was unique in the world. But shifting forces beyond her awareness have finally made themselves known as each faction competes to gain the ultimate prize: Rebecca's immortality. Ages 16 and up
Stichwörter: immortal, Southern Goth, faeries, demons, Atlanta
The Demon
- Fantasy
- Englisch
- 20046 Wörter
- Ab 0 Jahren
- 11793
- 296
Book 1 of "Those Who Cannot Die", this book follows the adventures of the Immortal group's second in command, Isaac, as he discovers the weakness of mortals firsthand...
Stichwörter: Dark Fiction, Fantasy, Immortals, Death
The War Starts at Home
- Science Fiction
- Englisch
- 1190 Wörter
- Ab 0 Jahren
- 635
- 5
Stichwörter: science, fiction, welcome, to, omega, sci, fi, action, adventure, revolution
- Science Fiction
- Englisch
- 6466 Wörter
- Ab 0 Jahren
- 435
- 12
A town suddenly falls into the grips of a psychological virus, causing the residents to re-live their darkest moments. Can the town survive this outbreak?
Stichwörter: Horror
Tunnel Sci-Fi Trilogy (Eftos-Epos) Book I
- Science Fiction
- Englisch
- 49291 Wörter
- Ab 0 Jahren
- 898
- 3
Das Königreich der Tausend™ welterste Sci-Fi Saga. Die Erfindung des Sci-Fi. Es bleibt ein Mysterium warum das Königreich der Tausend fertiggestellt ist. Wenn Eftos noch einmal vor allem stünde, bliebe das erste Blatt leer. Wo sind die Nachbarn? Es gibt keinen einzigen... mehr lesen
Stichwörter: Original, Eftos, Epos, Saga, no Voodoo, without the central word
Have You Ever?
- Science Fiction
- Englisch
- 5084 Wörter
- Ab 14 Jahren
- 1377
- 3
Carlos can't put his misery out of his mind. He's shown in the past that he cares for Ashley but now that he knows she cares for Andros, will he ever show her how much he does care for her?
Stichwörter: PowerRangersInSpace
The Day The Earth Stopped
- Science Fiction
- Englisch
- 1593 Wörter
- Ab 0 Jahren
- 2238
- 41
Fifty years ago, scientists found out that the earth was slowing down little by little, every year slowing down so that 1 minute is knocked off the day. They found out that in 50 years and 2 months the world would abruptly stop and all living things on Eath would die. ... mehr lesen
Stichwörter: end, world, stop, stopped, 2012, family
Oil and Water
- Science Fiction
- Englisch
- 10535 Wörter
- Ab 14 Jahren
- 1189
- 3
They say oil and water don't mix, but Maya and Damon prove 'em wrong. These two have had enough of hiding their emotions from peoples. Could it be time for them to show each other how much they really do care?
Stichwörter: PowerRangersLostGalaxy