homeless.guys Freunde
Miranda Bruce-Mitford
- Englisch
- 3 Bücher
- 65
I'm a lecturer and writer in the field of Asian Art I've written two books on signs and symbols and contributed to various books of travel writing. I only started to write creatively four or five years ago so I have a lot of catching up to do!
- Englisch
- 1 Buch
- 39
I was mostly a musician up until recently, when throwing myself into solitude found me reviving the boundless creativity in me that I had for so long forgotten. Well as you can see it is stuttering slowly, I'm getting to feel for the ropes of this kite, but it's so good to be in some kind of community, even though... mehr lesen
- 29 Jahre
- Deutsch
- 6 Bücher
- 69
Feuertränen, die mir den Wangen runter fließen brennen, sie tragen den ganzen Hass, der sie brennen lässt, sowie der Schmerz, in meinem Herz den du in meinen Feuertränen brennen fühlst, wenn du dich traust und sie berührst... ***
Die Liebe verwandelt mich zu einer Rose. Rot und romantisch, aber... mehr lesen