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Okay okay I need to remember my patience. Thank you and I understand that you need to get it right. I just don't want you to forget about it or give up on it.

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I'm hoping that you could update the Journey of a Thief? It's just that it hasn't been updated in a reeeeeally looooong while sooooo....hint hint nudge nudge :D

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Jessica Kelley


I just wanted to let you know that I've updated "Darkling". It now has the full first chapter.

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Please please update the journey of a thief. I really want to read more of it.

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Where did you get your profile pic? I want one like it just not so WHITE. Does it come in black or blood red?

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...hehe I feel bad for your poor ear :) But your lil note made me smile and I'm glade you enojoyed the last chapter. I'm going to try and get the second book started ASAP right after I finish the fanfic I'm working on 'kay. Thank you so much for reading my book it means the world to me :D

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hello. fellow bookrix users! if you have the time to read my page, i would greatly appreciate it if you also read my book. please and thank you!

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