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What am I?
Lora Carlson What am I?

What would you do if you didn't know what you were?

  • Belletristik
  • Englisch
  • 1650 Wörter
  • Ab 0 Jahren
  • 493
  • 5

Liliy is an 8th grade misfit. Her only friends are two guys. Seth and Griffin. She thinks she is normal. Enough. But she really is not. When Griffin goes on a road trip with his step-sibs some weirdness goes down with Liliy and Seth.

Stichwörter: Funny, kinda.


bleeding heart (on hold sos)
strabberyshortcake2 bleeding heart (on hold sos)
  • Fantasy
  • Englisch
  • 4446 Wörter
  • Ab 0 Jahren
  • 1021
  • 74

previously blood wine but changed the title

Charlie is a girl who has always wanted a normal life, but that is almost impossible when your a vampire. but she wasn't always a vampire. up until she was twelve she was human, or at least that's what she thought.

been the most... mehr lesen

Stichwörter: vampirez, vampire, vampires, vamp, vamps, vampz, werewolf, bloodlust, blood lust, werewolfs, werewolve, werewolves, element, elemental, elements, elementals, witch, witches, [mehr]


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