hanna14s Freunde





  • 1 Buch
  • 37

Hi Everyone. I am a Personal Improvement Author, and when it comes to anything involving a better way of life, I'm Your Man. After living a majority of my life through bad decisions, poverty, anger, low self esteem, and everything else you can think of, I decided to begin Taking Charge. Now I am able to help... mehr lesen



  • Deutsch

Hey ich heiße Ara­bel­la und bin 16 Jahre alt.​Ich lese un­ge­mein sehr viel und bin ge­ra­de selbst an einer Ge­schich­te dran. Ich werde in Zu­kunft öf­ters Bü­cher bei Boo­krix lesen, da ich es rich­tig span­nend finde, mal Bü­cher von Frei­zeit Au­to­ren(damit seid ihr ge­meint;*) zu lesen. Vllt. ist bei einem oder an­de­ren ein... mehr lesen




  • Englisch
  • 2 Bücher
  • 17

okay so my names katherine but anyone who calls me tht i usually don't get along with! even my teachers. just call me Katie! i love to read and write but i have never shown anyone what i write i usually just keep it to myself. im like selfcausous or whatever! my friends dont think its cool to read and stuff so... mehr lesen




  • Englisch
  • 6 Bücher
  • 105

I draw. I sing. I laugh. I dance. I like. I love. I play. I hate. I cry. I hurt. I break. I fall. I am real.


My name is Jordyn, but most people call me Jordie, Jayy, or just plain old Jordyn. I don't mind the least.

Dislikes: Being labeled, People being idiots, My own horrible... mehr lesen

Beau Johnson

Beau Johnson

  • Englisch
  • 1 Buch
  • 7


  • Englisch
  • 4 Bücher
  • 26

My name is Christina and I love to write. I also love reading because I can learn how other writers write and get some ideas. I love writing because you can make a world all your own. You can make it anywahy you want and you can make anything happen. I love Big Time Rush and the Jonas Brothers. I also listen to... mehr lesen




  • Englisch
  • 2 Bücher
  • 210

The name is Michelle Stone. Aspiring writer and avid movie watcher. I am the vision of the sun setting and a person of a million habits. I live on music and my wonderful boyfriend. And just like most people, I love a good fan mail letter every once in a while. <3


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