gkrajacs Freunde




  • Englisch
  • 4 Bücher
  • 67

Don't depend on people too much these days, because even your shadow leaves you when you're in darkness

Cygnus Publishing

Cygnus Publishing

  • Englisch
  • 369 Bücher
  • 794

Cygnus Publishing offers readers classics of world literature, fiction from all genres, and a diverse selection of non-fiction eBooks on many subjects.



  • Englisch

I'm GraphicWriter101 to you, Brad to my friends and family. Yes I have a boys name but it has a meaning I was named after the M2 Bradley (an army tank). No, neither of my parents were in the army, they however did have dreams but they had me young (younger than planed). There's really nothing special about me... mehr lesen

Arianna Waters

Arianna Waters

  • Englisch
  • 2 Bücher
  • 19


  • Englisch

I have a passion for books, writing, and editing. 



Daniel Blum

  • 40 Jahre
  • Englisch
  • 7 Bücher
  • 20


  • Englisch
  • 14 Bücher
  • 176

Preston Randall was born in Philadelphia but moved to Canada at an early age and currently resides in Victoria, British Columbia. After graduating with a B.Sc. in Biology he pursued an administrative career spanning thirty years, seven of which were spent in the Caribbean. Although always interested in creative... mehr lesen

J.C. Laird

J.C. Laird

John C. Laird

  • Englisch
  • 25 Bücher
  • 522

I was born and raised in Michigan, attended college in California. The plan was to be a history teacher, but after a brief "testing of the waters." I realized that my temperament was not suited to dealing with juvenile delinquents. If I had continued in that line of work, I'm sure I would have incurred a lawsuit... mehr lesen



  • Englisch
  • 17 Bücher
  • 256

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