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if you have had a best freaind who was there for you but gone the next without so much as a goodbye and you i reading this, i am sorry that has happend and that i hope u know u r amazing

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a broken princess gets a broken crown with a broken thrown and a broken castle the only thing she doesn't get is a king to help fix her broken world

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Well hello there ~•^

David Atkins

Sorry Princess I was picking up these tiny slivers of a substance I'm not yet familiar with. It already resembles diamonds though. A King is not a King without first thinking if the realnn he is responsible for first. Protect it and see it for it's true nature. The way the hills... mehr anzeigen


i would follow you to the castle, but were we end up is up to you

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I have learned that people leave even if they promise a thousand times that they won't

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mhm whatever i dont know who u r im sorry i dont rember or know u idk which one but please call me toni, i dont like that name

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my mouth says im ok my fingers type im fine but my heart says im broken

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the pain your memory brings breaks my heart but the strangth it gives me is impowerin

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