gfmas23s Freunde

Ryan Harker

Ryan Harker

Ryan Matthew

  • Englisch
  • 9 Bücher
  • 174

I've been writing on and off since I was 12 years old, and have been reading voraciously ever since I learned how. I read my first adult novel (Stephen King's The Tommyknockers) when I was 8 and never looked back. As an adult I finished writing my first short story when I was 20 and finished writing my first novel... mehr lesen



  • Englisch
  • 111 Bücher
  • 1834

Born in Bavaria, Germany. Lived in Belgium for 7 yrs. Moved to Montreal 57years ago.Have 2 kids and 4 grandchildren.Semi-retired and have numerous poems and stories or various length and genres at BookRix. I'm an artist. Dabble in all mediums (media) oil, wood, clay, photography/computor generated art. etc. Love the outdoors.



Kalai Selvi Arivalagan

  • 63 Jahre
  • 169 Bücher
  • 430

At present I enjoy teaching writing to children. I want to share my knowledge gained and help children to improve their writing skills.   Enjoyed the credit of being a published author by XOXO Publishers, Canada. The short story in the Tattoo Anthology Vol. II published by XOXO is available at Amazon as kindle version also.




  • Englisch
  • 3 Bücher
  • 55

When I have time from school work I love to read books. I like books that keep me wondering about what is going to happen next. Three of my favorite authors are Anna Windsor, Zane, and Geneva Holiday. Most people don’t understand the books written by these authors because they do not really read them. I love... mehr lesen




  • Englisch
  • 11 Bücher
  • 585

I have always had a love for writing and have been serious about it for the past three years. My style has changed since getting up close and personal with the PR genre. I usually have a rich dark tone to my work and have to remind myself to add some humor. I have been know to go feral without a brownie. If you... mehr lesen



  • Englisch
  • 13 Bücher
  • 1378

i love to read anything that is interesting to me. I have my own little library all kinds of books.



  • Englisch
  • 9 Bücher
  • 203

Im a stay at home mom. Ive allways LOVED books with a passion! Ive read my share lol Since I have a lot of time on my hands and ran out of books at home to read. I decided to try my hand at writing my own stories....



  • Englisch
  • 5 Bücher
  • 728

I am a 37 years old who resides in Tampa. I have  gotten into reading more over the last few years. I've got my Master's degree. Reading is good down time during times of stress. I enjoy going to the beach,  cooking traditional Asian food, and curling up with a good book. Happy reading all!




  • Englisch

I really like erotic stories n Pics. Send me something good, lol.. Say Hi

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