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The legacy of time
- Science Fiction
- Englisch
- 76488 Wörter
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in processing... According to our general scientific knowledge, our history continues from the Egyptians up to us into the 21st Century recorded clearly and defined. Also, all scientific theories such as Einsteins theory of relativity enshrined and anchored fixed in the... mehr lesen
Stichwörter: Egyptians, Sciencefiction, Atlantis, UFO, Greys, SiFi, Fantasy, Area51, Haunebu, Vril, Roswell, Timetravel, F18-Jets, Secrete Warpon, Dog-Fights, Afterburner, Amduat, Egyptians Book of Death, Amun Re, Nearbody-Experience, Katana, Einstein-Rosen-Brücke, Worphole, Singularity, Mothership, Aldebaran, Tensor-Vektor-Skalar-Gravitation, Astrophycs, M16, Epsilon Aurige, MOND-Theory, Neutrinoteilchen, Cern, Gran Sasso, OPERA, Tachyonen, Casimir-Kraft, Feldtheorie, Vakuumlichtgeschwindigkeit, Gravitationsstrahlung, CSM DSKY, Wurmlochtunnel, Astrolab, Superschlachtschiff, Waffenphylone, Mythos, Saïs, Solon, Säulen des Herakles, Poseidon, Wasserringe, Plethren, Triere, Dreiruderern, Stadien, Timaios, Kris, Kritias, XM8, Lunochod-2, LAM, UnidentifiedExtraterrestrianBody, Elektron, Titanen, Biefeld-Brown-Effekt, TachyonenDruckTheorie, TDT, Träge Masse, Schwere Masse, Future Combat Systems, William Randolph Hearst, 21.12.2012, Agamemnon Schliemann, Direktive, Yellowstone-Nationalpark, Vulkanexplosivitätsindex-Wert, Magnetischer Nordpol, Dardanellen, Gallipoli, HMS Irresistible, Allahu akbar, San al-Hagar, Mastaba, Kartusche, Pharao [mehr]
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