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【≽ܫ≼】 ︀➯ WWW.INTIMCONTACT.COM?-flowerz.

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Thanks for accepting my request again :)

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Thanks for accepting my friend request!!

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Thank you for the acceptence :)

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:) your welcome :) sorry I'm not on here as much as I should be :(
I replied to your email though...

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I hope you liked The Curse :)
My first book was "Gefährliche Intrigen" - it is only available in german. But I try to find a great translator for all my other books.
Best wishes


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HI flowerz,

We hope you'll come and join us in the YoungWriters group. You can find us here:


If you'd like a critique of you work, post the first page of your book in this thread:


And if you'd like to enter your book in our 'Book of the Week' contest, you can post it here:

... mehr anzeigen

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Heyy guys thanks for reading =) I'm currently improving Betrayed right now to make it better. I'm putting the chapters into chapters, if that makes sense. SO some of the chapters may be missing right now.

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heyy this is my first time on here but ive been working on betrayed for a long time. i ask you to at least check my story out, thanks

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