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I *REALLY* need your help!

I have a 'Story Of Horror' entered into the "My Best Fiction" contest, and I need your vote. Please take a look, and if you like what you see, please give me your vote. I will be extremely grateful, as there are only 5 days left in the contest. I would sure appriciate your help, as I am only a few votes away from second place - plus I know you will enjoy the story! (and the ending that is guaranteed... mehr anzeigen

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ok so its like my third post 2nite and im working in my book....its like 10:00 now amd im almost done!!!! WOOOHOOOO jeez i relly need a life haha lol jkjk ohh and btw my profil is worng i screwed up...gotta try and fix it!

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so can u like even read like a real book on this thing...cuz if i dnt figue out how 2 in the next 48 hours...im donw wiht this tupid thing....ugghhhhhhhhhhhhhh ttyl update l8ter...

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o.m.g new 2 this!! excited.....spelling??? how do u edit??? ughhhh......confused

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