Taruns Freunde
The Twister
- Englisch
- 164
When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action steps. - confucius I'm a simple person. I just want to write and that's about it. :)
- Deutsch
- 18 Bücher
- 6500
Ein Bild sagt tausend Worte, doch ein Buch spricht in tausend Bildern
- 26 Jahre
- Deutsch
- 2 Bücher
"Allover, Neverending, Neurotic, Insanity" - | Anni Fandoms: Black Butler, VD, HP, Death Note, Hunger games, American Horrorstory, TO, OUAT, Avengers & Thor, Doctor Who, Sherlock Holmes Lieblings Genre: Horror <3 Lieblings Games: Outlast, Layers of fear, Silent Hill(s) - PT, LiS (Life is strange), Silvio,... mehr lesen
- 22 Jahre
- Englisch
- 2 Bücher
- 8
I enjoy playing sports, writing poetry, and writing stories. I love watching sports (basketball,football,soccer,tennis), reading poetry, and reading novels.
- Englisch
- 1 Buch
- 2
~College Class of 2020~ I am a CHRISTIAN. Proudly so. ~ Music is my life~ I will tell you my honest opinion.~ I am a strange, nerdy, geeky, musical person.. Constructive criticism is welcomed, but please, no insulting or vulgar or negative language. Keep things appropriate. God Bless!! :)
Stella XD
- Englisch
hi friends! i'm new to bookrix so yeah donno much on here.. I lead a simle and enjoyin life :D proud of my friends.. my best friend : abhinay kriti go friend him http://www.bookrix.com/-fc7d04b73d15a55/PLACE: NY FOOD IS BAE! OK BYE!