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Writing Contests on BookRix.com
- 2.573 Mitglieder
- 1.866 Beiträge
- Offene Gruppe
Join this group if you are interested in knowing more about BookRix’s writing contests. We will use this group to promote our contests, winners and news, In addition, BookRix group contests will also be held here. Here you can ask or answer questions about the BookRix contests, promote your contest books and read t... mehr lesen
Letzter Beitrag: 7. Oktober 2019, 16:20
Humanism the most wanted
- 24 Mitglieder
- 8 Beiträge
- Offene Gruppe
Love is a most needed of needs. Love and Care dies at human heart, Men run behind all immoral activities and suffer at last. Parents are left alone dejected, Innocents are cheated, abused, killed just.. just for money or for other purpose. Friendship the divine relationship is cheated, Most of the men are ready to ... mehr lesen
Letzter Beitrag: 8. Oktober 2019, 22:15
Fantasy and Science Fiction
- 2.006 Mitglieder
- 1.182 Beiträge
- Offene Gruppe
Haven for readers and writers of Fantasy and Science Fiction. Enter if you dare...
Letzter Beitrag: 19. Januar 2022, 16:16
Get Me Published
- 1.036 Mitglieder
- 439 Beiträge
- Offene Gruppe
Come on in and meet others like yourself who want to “get published."
In this group, feel free to ask questions and start discussions about using BookRix, promoting and marketing your work, publishing your book(s) and much more!
Letzter Beitrag: 9. Oktober 2019, 05:54
Of Wizards, Warlords, Wyverns, and Wenches
- 119 Mitglieder
- 27 Beiträge
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Fantasy--The Realm of the Imagination.
Opened to all who have yet to lose that child-like spirit and who enjoy tales of Worlds Unseen, Heroes Unconquered, and Creatures Undeterred.
Short Stories, Novellas, Novels, Essays, Poems, Discussion, Cinema.
Although the title seems to imply this group is just for those w... mehr lesen
Letzter Beitrag: 8. Oktober 2019, 21:15
Star Wars
- 60 Mitglieder
- 29 Beiträge
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This group is a place for all fans of the Star Wars saga to gather and discuss their favorite films, actors or anything else concerning the movies - including fanfiction stories some of you have written. I plan to post my own continuation of the saga on BookRix and invite all to read it. May the Force be with you always...
Letzter Beitrag: 7. Oktober 2019, 15:55
Elite Editing for Writers
- 339 Mitglieder
- 129 Beiträge
- Offene Gruppe
A final edit is often all that stands in the way of getting your work published. This group is for those who want to discuss all things editorial—from grammar, punctuation, and syntax to organization, tone, and voice. For more information, go to www.EliteEditing.com/default2.aspx.
Letzter Beitrag: 8. Oktober 2019, 19:17
Better Writers
- 1.528 Mitglieder
- 1.024 Beiträge
- Offene Gruppe
BetterWriters is the group to join if you want to discuss improving your writing skills with like-minded individuals. From grammar and punctuation, to plot structures, character development, dialogue pacing, book titles, writing blurbs and many more subjects that you may use for developing your craft.
Letzter Beitrag: 8. Oktober 2019, 15:07
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