laura patricia kearneys Favoriten
Work in Progress
- Science Fiction
- Englisch
- 71795 Wörter
- Ab 12 Jahren
- 13212
- 110
Brandee Taylor knew computers. She knew how to hack. She knew how to not get caught. She knew her boring, monotonous life would never change. But things happen, and in a heartbeat Brandee discovers a universe she could never have dreamed of.
Stichwörter: adventure, speculative fiction, alternate universes, (not just for nerds you know), Pressure, alternate reality, young adult, YA
- Science Fiction
- Englisch
- 176902 Wörter
- Ab 0 Jahren
- 23273
- 88
Makers tells the story of a group of hardware hackers who fall in with microfinancing venture capitalists and reinvent the American economy after a total economic collapse, and who find themselves swimming with sharks, fighting with gangsters, and leading a band of global techno-revolutionaries.
- Psychologie
- Englisch
- 23843 Wörter
- Ab 0 Jahren
- 78914
- 340
How can we free ourselves from mental suffering? How can we unlock what the poet William Blake referred to as “the mind-forged manacles” - those unhelpful, unfounded and inflexible habits of thought which keep us from reaching our true creative potential?
This book provides... mehr lesen
Stichwörter: psychology, philosophy, self help, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, freedom, gender, sexuality, politics
- Science Fiction
- Englisch
- 60343 Wörter
- Ab 0 Jahren
- 3805
- 32
While playing a video game a young man from Karbonon unwittingly opens a door to NetherWorld; a universe that exists inside his computer. Before long, he is on a quest to save both worlds. Filled with strange and sometimes hilarious creatures, Nick is convinced that he is... mehr lesen
Stichwörter: science fiction, fantasy, cyberpunk, satire, young adult
- Fantasy
- Englisch
- 33144 Wörter
- Ab 12 Jahren
- 1702
- 21
A dark alley, several guys, one girl, and a bad feeling. In a world where demons feast freely on human souls, an organization fights on the frontline to protect not only the human world, but their own as well. The rules are simple: no human can see demons, therefore no human... mehr lesen
Stichwörter: demon, demonslayer, reformed demon, super powers, war, Crimson Dragon
Das Vermächtnis der Zeit 2. Auflage
- Science Fiction
- Deutsch
- 95451 Wörter
- Ab 0 Jahren
- 848
- 5
Mit einer ganz normalen Familiengeschichte fängt es an... ein Wüstenabenteuer im alten Ägypten... ein Vorfall im Weißen Haus... ein Apollo-Raumschiff erkundet den Mond... ein Erzfrachter kehrt nach Hause zurück... Langsam werden die einzelnen Handlungsschauplätze... mehr lesen
Stichwörter: Sciencefiction, Atlantis, Platon, UFO, Greys, SiFi, Fantasy, Area51, Haunebu, Vril, Roswell, Zeitreisen, F18-Jets, Geheimwaffe, Dog-Fights, Nachbrennermodus, Amduat, ägyptisches Totenbuch, Amun Re, Silberschnur, Nahtoderlebnis, Katana, Sichelschwert, Einstein-Rosen-Brücke, Wurmloch, Singularität, Mutterschiffe, Aldebaran, Tensor-Vektor-Skalar-Gravitation, Pseudo-riemannschen Mannigfaltigkeit, Astrophysiker, M16, Epsilon Aurige, Grauen, Schwarmintelligenz, MOND-Theorie, Neutrinoteilchen, Cern, Gran Sasso, OPERA, Tachyonen, Casimir-Kraft, Feldtheorie, Vakuumlichtgeschwindigkeit, Gravitationsstrahlung, CSM DSKY, Wurmlochtunnel, Astrolab, Superschlachtschiff, Waffenphylone, Mythos, Saïs, Solon, Säulen des Herakles, Poseidon, Wasserringe, Plethren, Triere, Dreiruderern, Stadien, Timaios, Kris, Kritias, XM8, Lunochod-2, LAM, UnidentifiedExtraterrestrianBody, Elektron, Titanen, Biefeld-Brown-Effekt, TachyonenDruckTheorie, TDT, Träge Masse, Schwere Masse, Future Combat Systems, William Randolph Hearst, 21.12.2012, Agamemnon Schliemann, Direktive, Yellowstone-Nationalpark, Vulkanexplosivitätsindex-Wert, Magnetischer Nordpol, Dardanellen, Gallipoli, HMS Irresistible, Allahu akbar, San al-Hagar, Mastaba, Kartusche, Pharao, Schliemann, TrojSciencefiction, Kar, Troja [mehr]
2,49 €
The legacy of time
- Science Fiction
- Englisch
- 76488 Wörter
- Ab 0 Jahren
- 4944
- 30
in processing... According to our general scientific knowledge, our history continues from the Egyptians up to us into the 21st Century recorded clearly and defined. Also, all scientific theories such as Einsteins theory of relativity enshrined and anchored fixed in the... mehr lesen
Stichwörter: Egyptians, Sciencefiction, Atlantis, UFO, Greys, SiFi, Fantasy, Area51, Haunebu, Vril, Roswell, Timetravel, F18-Jets, Secrete Warpon, Dog-Fights, Afterburner, Amduat, Egyptians Book of Death, Amun Re, Nearbody-Experience, Katana, Einstein-Rosen-Brücke, Worphole, Singularity, Mothership, Aldebaran, Tensor-Vektor-Skalar-Gravitation, Astrophycs, M16, Epsilon Aurige, MOND-Theory, Neutrinoteilchen, Cern, Gran Sasso, OPERA, Tachyonen, Casimir-Kraft, Feldtheorie, Vakuumlichtgeschwindigkeit, Gravitationsstrahlung, CSM DSKY, Wurmlochtunnel, Astrolab, Superschlachtschiff, Waffenphylone, Mythos, Saïs, Solon, Säulen des Herakles, Poseidon, Wasserringe, Plethren, Triere, Dreiruderern, Stadien, Timaios, Kris, Kritias, XM8, Lunochod-2, LAM, UnidentifiedExtraterrestrianBody, Elektron, Titanen, Biefeld-Brown-Effekt, TachyonenDruckTheorie, TDT, Träge Masse, Schwere Masse, Future Combat Systems, William Randolph Hearst, 21.12.2012, Agamemnon Schliemann, Direktive, Yellowstone-Nationalpark, Vulkanexplosivitätsindex-Wert, Magnetischer Nordpol, Dardanellen, Gallipoli, HMS Irresistible, Allahu akbar, San al-Hagar, Mastaba, Kartusche, Pharao [mehr]
- Fantasy
- Englisch
- 46116 Wörter
- Ab 16 Jahren
- 5436
- 171
Arissa Martin got up on the wrong side of the bed - but that was just the beginning. By the end of the day, she was lying in the middle of a back road while a vampire was trying to get her car started...
Stichwörter: Vampires, Werewolves, Humor
- Science Fiction
- Englisch
- 2917 Wörter
- Ab 16 Jahren
- 303
- 2
If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the universe Nikola Tesla
Stichwörter: Jupiter, harvest, blood, moon, matrix, dragon, philosophy, poetry, albert pike, pineal gland, 33 in the mind, world war, soul, music, nikola tesla
0,00 US$
- Fantasy
- Englisch
- 31893 Wörter
- Ab 16 Jahren
- 1466
- 60
The World was nearly destroyed. Humanity was nearly wiped out. Those that survived found themselves in a New World. Frightening creatures called the Wylder began to roam the lands and humanity coalesced into small communities to rebuild.
Now a young girl, Eliza is coming... mehr lesen
Stichwörter: Lycanthrope, Werewolf, Fantasy, Young Romance, Werecats, Lions, Tigers, Cheetah, Cougar, Panther, Leopard, Bears, Vampires, Young Adult, Fiction, Post-Apocalypse, Witches, Wizards, Warlocks, Trolls, Blood, Dark, Romance, Highschool, Dystopia [mehr]