Maria G. Vieyra
Maria G. Vieyra
Maria G. Vieyra ist offline.
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Hey, I know you were one of the people who was following my story Anatomy of a School Shooting. Just letting you know that it is done, and is awaiting you! Enjoy!


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FanLetter Notice
Hello my dear fans!
Frist off thank you for helping me support my book on this site and enjoy reading it, second the Last Chapter, chapter 13- Revealed is going to be posted on Saterday, two days from now.
But don't fret for the second book with be up in Oct.
Until then please enjoy Obsessed!

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Her hair was up in a ponytail
Her favorite dress tied with a b ow.
Today was Daddy's Day at school,
And she couldn't wait to go.

But her mommy tried to tell her,
That she probably should stay home.
Why the kids might not understand,
If she went to school alone.

But she was not afraid;
She knew just what to say.
What to tell her classmates
Of why he wasn't there today.

But still her mother worried,
For her to face this day alone.
And that... mehr anzeigen

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Like moving stuff, Like...doing..."Work". **Shivers** The thought is forevermore frightening! Is sound like a brat, don't I? >.< Anyways, I can't be patient! I am IMPATIENT. No patience. Like, at all, whatsoever! You better not be like Erma and give up. Don't be a quitter!

...And that Barbie pole thing sounds scary... O_O

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Hehe, it's freakin' AWESOME. I already read it, Hmm, yeah, seems it was a nasty fight! >.< Ah! I love dramatic books!

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About the falling in love thing...Don't talk about it with Sharon--she'll give ya creepy ideas for meh~! But, hehe, I am already going to start readin!

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Sh'yeah! I get to be ALIVE! I feel so guud! >.< Finish it and put it up soon--I wanna read!!!

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Hey hey hey! Just so ya know, I downloaded your books...I read the sequel to it, and it beautiful! **Cries** >.< You must write another story! And make sure I am alive on this one! o_e

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