darkenedserenity ist offline.
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Wow - what a mesmerizing piece you wrote about yourself. It is obvious you have a gift.....so let us see your work. I am certain it will be amazing. Valerie

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Thank you for taking the read what I put up. I appreciate it :)
I do hope that you upload some of your writing, I’d love to read it. Your post-it “about me” is adorable and genuine.


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Hmm.. I dont know much about life but I'm happy to say I've come to learn a few things about myself during my travels...I have been in love once. I have a tattoo on my back and right hip. I find the world lonely and beautiful. I develop this innate desire to help everyone that I meet. On my left eyebrow there is a small scar caused from running into a table when I was tiny. When I get sad I like to smell flowers. My favourite... mehr anzeigen

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