Bradyn Harrisons Favoriten

Creatures of the Night
J.C. Kelley Creatures of the Night


  • Belletristik
  • Englisch
  • 3365 Wörter
  • Ab 0 Jahren
  • 714
  • 12

Information on several nether-creatures in our world. Will be updated regularly.

Stichwörter: creatures, monsters, werewolf, night, ghoul, nether, witch


The Allovampire detective: The Slender Man
Mostyn Heilmannovsky The Allovampire detective: The Slender Man
  • Kurzgeschichte
  • Englisch
  • 2738 Wörter
  • Ab 16 Jahren
  • 187
  • 1

Deep in some woods of Pennsylvania and Ohio a strange creature resides. It looks like a man but is something vile and out of this world. Join Alescu the different vampire detective to find out what this so–called slender man really is? Is it just a made up fairy tale or as real as you and I.

Stichwörter: Alescu, allovampire, different vampire, vampire, Pennsylvania, slender man, slender

2,49 €

Satellites in Orbit
Debbie Lacy Satellites in Orbit
  • Kurzgeschichte
  • Englisch
  • 2371 Wörter
  • Ab 14 Jahren
  • 305
  • 1

This short story is about an unknown creature from outer space that moved faster than the speed of light, pierced the earth’s atmosphere abolishing all orbital satellites causing major demolition around the world. As NASA Space Center tried to urgently analyze this enormous... mehr lesen

Stichwörter: Orbit, Outer-Space, Satellite, Nasa Space Center, Technology, Creature, Destruction, Chaos

2,99 US$


Der Science-Fiction-Klassiker!

  • Science Fiction
  • Deutsch
  • 43172 Wörter
  • Ab 16 Jahren
  • 131
  • 1

Seit beinahe fünf Jahren treibt das Raumschiff Arcturus durch die Galaxis. Es ist auf der Suche nach bewohnbaren Planeten. Lieutenant Gary Slater, ein junger Offizier, verspricht sich von dieser Forschungsreise den Beginn einer steilen Karriere. Als er auf dem... mehr lesen

Stichwörter: Apex-Verlag, Science Fiction, SF, SciFi, Sci-Fi, Roman, Romane, Abenteuer, Action, Spannung, Klassiker, klassisch, Space Opera, Raumschiff, fremde Welten, fremder Planet, Planet, Planeten, [mehr]

5,99 €


Geschichten aus der Welt von Morgen - wie man sie sich gestern vorgestellt hat.

  • Science Fiction
  • Deutsch
  • 49968 Wörter
  • Ab 16 Jahren
  • 132
  • 1

Mein Weg zu den Sternen begann ausgesprochen merkwürdig: Hungrig, frierend und vollkommen entkräftet erreichte ich eine einsame Farm und kroch in einen Silo, um mich dort auszuruhen. Als ich wieder zu Bewusstsein kam, hatte ich mich bereits weit von der Erde entfernt. Bei... mehr lesen

Stichwörter: Apex-Verlag, Science Fiction, SF, SciFi, Sci-Fi, Utopie, utopischer Roman, Klassiker, Weltraum, Space Opera, Abenteuer, Action, Spannung, Planeten, Raumschiffe, Außerirdische, Aliens, Roman, [mehr]

4,99 €

The Creature in The Forbidden Forest
Taylor Fletcher The Creature in The Forbidden Forest


  • Märchen
  • Englisch
  • 919 Wörter
  • Ab 6 Jahren
  • 383
  • 2

In a village called Vougue a young boy, son of the village leader, named Samual but called sam by friends heads into the forbidden forest. In the forest sam looks for the childern who have gone off in the night and have never been seen after that. Many in the village claim... mehr lesen

Stichwörter: friendship, hope, kindness, love, a good lesson


Scary Stories #3
Sophia Worden Scary Stories #3
  • Horror
  • Englisch
  • 2889 Wörter
  • Ab 10 Jahren
  • 1301
  • 4

Ok #3 of my Scary Stories Series so yeah... you know the discripton but I'll put it anyway

This book is full of short stories that I have been told or that I made up myself. I'm still going to put my discripton for last time though.

I hope you enjoy this book of Creepy... mehr lesen

Stichwörter: scary stories, Spookey, short stories, spookey short stories


Scary Short Stories
Sophia Worden Scary Short Stories
  • Horror
  • Englisch
  • 2543 Wörter
  • Ab 8 Jahren
  • 852
  • 3

This book is full of short stories that I have been told or that I made up myself. I hope you enjoy this book of Creepy Scary Short Stories.

B.T.W. If you are scared of scary stuff do not read this book or just read it anyway 

Stichwörter: scary, stories, creepy, killer, bunnies, horror, scary stuff, time, scared


Short Marketing Guide
BookRix Short Marketing Guide
  • Bildung
  • Englisch
  • 2 Wörter
  • Ab 0 Jahren
  • 724
  • 6

For those who want to know the very basics on Marketing as an Indie Author, feel free to check out the "Short Marketing Guide" at a glance.

If you would like a more detailed version please go to this link:


Sea Stories
OldCrow Sea Stories
  • Kurzgeschichte
  • Englisch
  • 767 Wörter
  • Ab 0 Jahren
  • 556
  • 1

These are short stories and poems of my time in the Navy. They are a collection of memories that I treasure. I spent eleven years on two ships and hardly a day goes by that I do not miss it. There is nothing like riding the deck of a war ship -chasing that horizon.

Stichwörter: navy, sea stories, short stories, sea poems


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