gospellover12s Favoriten

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Down the Alley
Ray Bear Down the Alley
  • Abenteuer
  • Englisch
  • 5387 Wörter
  • Ab 10 Jahren
  • 588
  • 4

Eladore lives in a place where no person should have to live. It is a dark, scary, vicious place where people will literally kill to get food, and power. The bullies are more than just bullies, they don't just hurt, they torture. And they never stop torturing. People do... mehr lesen

Stichwörter: Down, Alley, Down the Alley, Eladore, friends, choice, Ray, ray, Bear, bear, Rachel, Ray Bear, girl, town, adventure, Adventure, 10, Ten and up, [mehr]


The Isle of Skye
Skye Jeppson The Isle of Skye
  • Abenteuer
  • Englisch
  • 4868 Wörter
  • Ab 0 Jahren
  • 548
  • 9

The Mcleod clan's Princess, Si'leas has been taken hostage by their long hated enemies the MacAlisters.

The enemy are racking her for information leading to the clan's stockhold, where they keep their money for the food they get in return for buying their treatied friends... mehr lesen

Stichwörter: Scottland, Mcleod, war, secrets, freindship


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