Tatheanas Freunde

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Your number one scumbag



  • Englisch

I don't care if anyone does not like me.i was not born in this world to entertain    MY NAME IS RAHEEL MY FACEBOOK ID is raheel11111@yahoo.com  I Love myself the world has a need to me i m unique i can and i will do things to promote  headling in my life my problem has a sloution i will work on a plan i belive i... mehr lesen

Kelly Baker

Kelly Baker

  • Englisch
  • 8 Bücher
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I am a daydreamer and a romantic at heart. I am a lover of music, books, photography, animals and the wonders of nature. I am a country girl at heart, free-spirited and hard to capture. I am mistaken as a quiet and shy person to those who don't know me, but close friends and family know better than to mistake me... mehr lesen



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  • 5 Bücher
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  • 17 Bücher
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