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Scene No.1
Cut to flashback No.1
blurred white screen fades into focus takes us to
Boy with slight height over girl. Standing but a foot apart staring at each other intently oblivious to the world around them. Cameras change angles simultaneously every 4 seconds swirling around the two slowing the world down and softening the edge on everything around them to blend into one to really portray the heavily zeroed in focusing on... mehr anzeigen

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The freshly fallen drops of dew left the beautiful fragrance of the earth filled with mouth-watering luscious clover still lingering in the atmosphere. The moon, high and full, cast down from above the sky a radiance of moonlight full of purity that illuminated everything that lay casted in it’s path below, cleansing sinners if they wish to be cleansed.
A tall, chiseled, and well defined half-man, half-horse stallion stood... mehr anzeigen

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There certainly is a sucker burned every minute. Take, for example, my sister's friend Cassie, who is the sweetest girl you could ever meet. I wonder how people at school could be so cruel to her, she'd never done anything wrong, never did drugs or alcohol; she was as clean as can be. It didn't matter how mean you were to her or no matter who you were, she treated you as an equal, she was always nice to you no matter what.... mehr anzeigen

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The church chimes sung dull and deep to lull even the slightest passerby, coaxing them into a quiet peaceful state of mind. Sonja sat in her room at the top of the stairs waiting for someone, even if a murmuring soul from anywhere would notice she wasn't at the masquerade ball. It was the one place she desperately longed to be. She longed to wear her hair in luscious ringlets that rippled and flowed, dropping random locks of... mehr anzeigen

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What do you do when you can’t run and you can’t hide and the pain just won’t subside no matter what you do you can’t stop no matter how hard you’ve tried and now it’s all just too much and you want to scream the words that just wont come out that you’ve had enough and if you had said you were just fine it’d be a lie no matter how much you deny the truth won’t coincide and hide the pain wont ever subside and numb what you feel... mehr anzeigen

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She sat there in silence with her gaze off in the distance, not focusing on anything at all. Everyone around her seemed as though to be pulling her in all different directions. Telling her what to say, what and how to feel, who to be, what to do. All she wanted was to make her own decisions for once, without having everyone else try to run her life to fix and make up for wrecking their own lives. She let out... mehr anzeigen

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