DreamSculptrs Freunde

Troy n' Dubstep

Troy n' Dubstep

  • 22 Jahre
  • Englisch
  • 5 Bücher
  • 58

I like bacon, Dubstep Minecraft, and Kongergate.comI am also am a computer "geek" and like to play baseball, soccer and that's itJoin my group DubStep and Books if you are my friend or if you like dubstep. I also play Call Of Duty Ghosts. BO2, BO1, MW3  

sanza clara

sanza clara

  • Englisch

i am a writer, a reader, singer and a student:Di would really apprecaite if you drop in to say a 'Hi':D



  • Englisch
  • 3 Bücher
  • 84

I'm here to read and write.     Justin Bruystens is my real name and Justin Six is my pen name.    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTF55vLsfcuI2epJShoZa0Q/videos   Website: http://www.justinsix.com/daily-writing/   Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Justin-Six-1593702153992763/   Twitter:... mehr lesen

Tarak Ghosh

Tarak Ghosh

  • Englisch
  • 9

I am a senior journalist and the editor of a Newspaper To me, life is a short journey but I have a thousand mile long dream in my heart.I do not know when my journey will be postponed and all my dreams go to ashes.

Clary ♥

Clary ♥

  • 24 Jahre
  • Deutsch
  • 1 Buch
  • 58

Hey,ich bin Clarissa, aber nennt mich einfach Clary und ich bin 15 Jahre alt und ich spiele gerne Tischtennis und singe *_*Am liebsten höre ich Liebeslieder und ich lese viel. Und ich liebe es Fotos von mir zu machen hihi

Selia Ascrala

Selia Ascrala

Jülide Yasmin

  • Deutsch
  • 13 Bücher
  • 2444



  • Englisch
  • 18 Bücher
  • 104

Life is tough. It's a whole lot tougher if you're stupid! ~ John Wayne



  • Englisch

I'm GraphicWriter101 to you, Brad to my friends and family. Yes I have a boys name but it has a meaning I was named after the M2 Bradley (an army tank). No, neither of my parents were in the army, they however did have dreams but they had me young (younger than planed). There's really nothing special about me... mehr lesen

Unsterbliche Nacht

Unsterbliche Nacht

  • Deutsch
  • 1 Buch
  • 73


Jake & Kate Persy

Jake & Kate Persy

  • Englisch

Our names are Jake and Kate Persy and we’re young, self-publishing writers. We’re a happy couple and our motto is ‘The best moment to be happy is right now’. We have a healthy, active lifestyle.We love having fun and that’s why we’ve written Codename: Chimera. It’s been an exciting experience. We wanted to write... mehr lesen

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