brown49ergirls Freunde
- Englisch
- 2 Bücher
- 43
To others, I am the slightly crazy, short but lovable, girl who sucks at Algebra. To my friends, I am the loudest, zaniest, most boy-obsessed person they have ever met To my parents, I am the eldest child, who is pretty well-behaved except for when she's feeling lazy... But as an author, I try to take my work... mehr lesen
- Englisch
- 5 Bücher
- 1129
* Hi I'm Lisa * I LOVE COFFEE & FOOD; I LOVE PUPPIES, HORSES, WOLVES, UNICORNS, NINJAS, AND BATMAN * I'm quiet, fun, outgoing, and really random at times! I love to READ and WRITE!! I tend to zone out into la la land a lot and I'm so accident prone it's crazy and also I like making new friends and I get along with... mehr lesen
- Englisch
- 1 Buch
- 94
I'm a simple sixteen year old girl who doesn't get to go out much due to my location therefore i spend all my time in my fantasies. Or my books. I'm open minded and as long as you don't try to force your ideas on me we won't have a problem. Believe what you want to and be who you are just let me do the same. :)
- 25 Jahre
- 13 Bücher
- 489
i love to read,write, and do anything athletic.i am very sensative and takes stuff people say to heart.i am niave and trust and love too easily.
- Englisch
- 50
I love writing and drawing manga :) I'm always in my own world and I like it there ;) I also like reading and on here I read a lot and I'll get along with just about anybody ;D if you ever want me to read your work or help you, just leave me a message :)
I love animals and have quite a few pets, and I also have... mehr lesen
- Englisch
- 17 Bücher
- 256
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- Englisch
- 8 Bücher
- 5574
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