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I just got done with Match made in Heaven, it was wonderful, will there be a part 2?

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Girl good job, please fInish This SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I defiantly will.It's almost finished but i just haven't posted it on this site yet. But i'll let you know when i post another few chapters.

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Auli D.

Love match made in heaven! Tell me when there will be a second please!

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I've just finished reading your book and I LOOOOOVE it so much. Everything was down to details and you didn't leave any missing parts out, now I'm just wondering if there's a part two to this book? I think you should come up with an part 2. You have my full support on your writing! ^.^ Keep up the great work darling.

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Cincinnati is that place to be i from there love it l0l and i love your book keep me update

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Gelöschter User

Hi just reader the update it really good cant wait for more thanks again

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