bookschangelives’ Freunde
Finn Fletcher
- Deutsch
- 13 Bücher
- 17
Ich habe schon immer gerne gelesen. Ich schreib auch selbst. Am ehesten Zuhause bin ich im Bereich Thriller, Krimi und Komödie.
- Englisch
HMU! if ya want i believe in God but i give up on life PATD is bae Twenty-one pilots WHAAAAA the rest of this shit was the old me, now im bein a better person and im sry for bein this way if ya get me drift but just saying i LOVE to talk to ya guys and meet ppl who i can trust and not feel rly awkward with. Im... mehr lesen
Faraz Rahujo
- Englisch
- 1 Buch
- 4
My name is Faraz. I am 15 years old boy, and I am from Pakistan. I like to make new and best friends, so talk to me freely. I also like to write books and will publish soon. Hope you will enjoy, Thanks.
- 22 Jahre
- Englisch
- 7 Bücher
- 90
Nemophilist. Pluviophile. Melomaniac. Ambivert. ~The tiny one, with not so tiny dreams! ♥ "And I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sadThe dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had ..."
- Englisch
Yo, haven't been on here since forever! It's been like 2 years lol Shoot your shot and become my friend Xd im the most fun when im comfortable & always be there fo ya when i can OR you can just talk to me about random shit like if nobody want to hit ya up? BITCH im here even if im a psycho ass XD ill always... mehr lesen
Katharina Klimt
- Deutsch
- 9 Bücher
- 229
Ich flüstere gerne in Bibliotheken, mag Männer in dicken Wollpullovern und weiche Bleistifte zum Spitzen. Ich mag tiefe Blicke aus warmen Augen und feste Schnürschuhe unter ihnen. Frisches Graubrot und Parmesan. Ich mag Lachen mit regennassen Haaren. Wenn etwas schief geht und man später darüber denkt, dass es das... mehr lesen
- Englisch
Why do a lot of people put inspirational things in their bio? Or sad things? If you want to know about me... TOO BAD! Just kidding, but seriously, if you want to know something about me, just ask me... because you can. I guess I will put something down here... Hello my fellow loners! I'm Kaden... Yea, that's all I really have... :3
- 23 Jahre
- Englisch
hi my name is maaza i am funny fun loving and careing i love anime i am a proud Trinidadian i can also be crazy at times love reading books and i love to draw i love the band My Chemical Romance and i am a fan of bts and BIG BANG i love to DANCE
- Englisch
- 1 Buch
- 1
Random qoute: "I am known by many names, Mountain slayer, Thunderlion, The Choclate Axe, But you, you can call me Tiffany. -Tiffany (Sword Art Online Bridged) I love anime, videgames, and anything to do with dragons. juzzou is bae but maka is my wafer. I am always willing to talk. Hurt me or my freinds and you... mehr lesen