rainbowvixen1s Freunde
The End
- Englisch
- 2 Bücher
- 3
I don't understand the Organization. I don't understand Axel... I understand myself least of all. Why do I keep coming back to the castle? Me and Xion are special, connected by "Sora." If she's a puppet, maybe I am, too. I don't know what I am. All I know is, no matter what I will set Kingdom Hearts free....
- Deutsch
- 1 Buch
- 87
Ich liebe es zu lesen doch ich mag keine Dramen und lese nur deutsche Bücher. Neuerdings lese ich auch gerne Boys love.
- Englisch
So...my wifi came off when I was writing this and I hadn't saved it. So basically my awesome ass "About Me" information all came down like Wall Maria after the Colassal Titan smashed it to pieces...none of you got that reference did you? I'm so done. But because I'm so freaking awesome I decided to write it out... mehr lesen
- Deutsch
- 2 Bücher
- 42
HAKUNA MATATAIch bin eine erliche, aufrichtige, chaotische, (un-) komplizirte und lustige person :) Ich liebe es zu lesen^^ und natürli9ch zu schreiben ;)Ich lese und schreibe am liebsten yaois/boysloveIch bin GEGEN Homophobie, weil ich denke das jeder so leben darf wie es ihm selbst gefällt ^^Werbung dürft... mehr lesen
- Englisch
- 2 Bücher
- 12
While you are here why don't you check out one of my books!!! Full name is Katherine Age 19 was evicted from the whom on Oct. 28t Taken Thanks for visting.... You have come to an end of my about me thank you I see someone cares. Love you keep on being you okay? FEEL FREE TO DM I WILL TRY MY BEST TO RESPOND ASAP
it's_me_dont hate=)
- 23 Jahre
- Englisch
- 2 Bücher
- 11
I'm 14 + taken....I'm really fun in person, tend to talk alot=) I have lots of friends on and off bookrix=) Thanks for supporters...... DONT HATE!!!!;)
- 28 Jahre
- Englisch
- 46
I like to read. I guess I'm kind of weird but in a good way. I can be socially awkward sometimes. I love to write & I'm really passionate about my writings. I'm not the best writer but I'm decent. I also like to live my life drama free as possible. If you'd like to know more just ask .