izzy_rod ist offline.
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Fear doesn't have to own you, fear is something that you can control.

1 Kommentar

hmmm i heard this before

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LittleBrooks about 2 months ago
Words Words
Bitch and whore
The girl runs away
she slams the door
she takes a knife
and cuts her skin
remembering how screwed up her life has been
she leans to the toilet
throws up to be thin
at school all she has is a grin
She cuts cuts cuts some more
Screaming in pain, blood on the floor
People call her emo people laugh at her face
But they haven't even tried to be in her place
Her dad just... mehr anzeigen

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Dear Bullies,
You see that 15 year old girl holding hands with her one year old son you called a slut? She was raped at 13. You see that boy crying you made fun of for being a cry baby? His best friend committed suicide last night. You see that girl that you made fun of for having all those bruises? She is abused by her parents. You see that bald woman you made fun of? She is dying of breast cancer. You see that old man you... mehr anzeigen

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Hey guys today is my sister's birthday so I won't be on that much

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Gelöschter User

tell her happy birthday

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Rate me whatever u think I am.
Oh and don't forget to post this on your page if ur not to scared what people will rate u

(1) Crazy
(2) I'd marry you.
(3) I'd date you.
(4) Sarcastic.
(5) I miss you.
(6) I'd kiss you.
(7) Beautiful.
(8) Smart.
(9) Imaginative.
(10) Random.
(11) Jerk.
(12) Funny.
(13) awesome.
(14) amazing.
(15) tough.
(16) cute.
(17 I'd hit you with a bus.
(18)I love you.
(19) Weirdo.
(20) Friends forever.
(21) Marry me?
(22) Your... mehr anzeigen


What would my nickname be

Gelöschter User

I don't really know u but 13 14 and maybe 20!!



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