beej31s Gruppen

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The Coffee Shop

The Coffee Shop

  • 1.288 Mitglieder
  • 5.241 Beiträge
  • Offene Gruppe

Writing is stressful, so why not duck into the Coffee Shop for a spot of idle banter and relaxation. Procrastination has never been so entertaining!

Letzter Beitrag: 12. Dezember 2019, 13:36

Give vampires a chance

Give vampires a chance

  • 908 Mitglieder
  • 278 Beiträge
  • Offene Gruppe

Give vampires a chance is a group that would read and discuss books about vampires.

Letzter Beitrag: 8. Oktober 2019, 20:47

Better Writers

Better Writers

  • 1.528 Mitglieder
  • 1.024 Beiträge
  • Offene Gruppe

BetterWriters is the group to join if you want to discuss improving your writing skills with like-minded individuals. From grammar and punctuation, to plot structures, character development, dialogue pacing, book titles, writing blurbs and many more subjects that you may use for developing your craft.

Letzter Beitrag: 8. Oktober 2019, 15:07

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