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Hello everyone. I have a blog i just created. I write stories on there. If you love to read anything, please visit the website. areadershaven.godaddysites.com

If you have any suggestion please feel free to contact me @anjolaakinwumi@gmail.com. Subscribe to my blog and you'll get notified if i post something which would be often.
Also follow my insta @a_readers_haven to get updates. I am about to do my first giveaway to... mehr anzeigen

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Breaking news!!
Scientist have discovered a new dangerous snake. It is a hybrid of three different snakes. It is very poisonous and it is spreading at an alarming rate. It grows 1.5 cm everytime it feeds and it feeds every 30 seconds or less and even more alarming is that this snake cannot be killed except it bites itself.Scientist have tried to find a way to kill this dangerous snake but no success and the more frightening... mehr anzeigen

2 Kommentare

Omg I was shook but then I read further and I was relieved.

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Have you ever written a book?

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I am doing so now but i am not done yet because i find it bothersome to write books

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